Supply Chain Security Compliance Program

Risks in your supply chain can occur anywhere along the value-chain, from the start of production through to when the product reaches the end customer.

RM Supply Chain Security Compliance Program assists your organization to assess, enhance, and ensure the security compliance of the vendors throughout your supply chain.

This includes every mode of handling, transportation, and any temporary storage locations such as trucking, cross-port holds, and warehouses. Each stage is a point of security risk exposure, for example, cargo theft, illegal trafficking, and human smuggling to name just a few.

The overarching purpose of a Supply Chain Security (SCS) Management System is to systematically manage security in each stage of the supply chain. An effective SCS Audit and well-integrated SCS management system help identify high-risk areas within your supply chain and mitigate the associated risks; thus, protecting important assets, associates, customers, and communities.


Depending on your compliance strategy, we support your quality and compliance teams with the following services:

Services Offering Description
Security Audit ·Conduct an audit and perform an on-site risk assessment

·Provide audit report and risk grading

Corrective Actions ·Establish a corrective action plan

·Follow-up and verify corrective action implementation

Supplier Development & Facilitation ·Provide supplier training and facilitation

·Assist the supplier to establish the necessary procedures and documents.

Supplier Management ·Create a supplier audit program

·Manage supplier Security compliance performance and risk level

·Proactive vendor follow-up & facilitation

·Scheduling subsequent maintenance audits based on supplier risk level

·Technical project management and comprehensive reporting